聽說quater-life crisis譯作「四分一人生危機」......土了點吧!叫「點廿五危機」?或「危機 0.25」 好不好?
雖然我對將人生及人性邏輯化或理論化存有保留,加上這學說原來已經存在了40年,再說關於這理論的種種似乎都太沉悶。但我的不安全感卻又確確實實具體地存在並且每天在擾攘擴大蔓延,何以制止? 成家立室置業安居? 恐怕只是升級板的「危機0.4」及 「危機0.5」。我害怕40歲婚姻失敗或50歲還為層樓營營役役的人生。
according to
The quarter-life crisis is a term, coined circa November 1965 in Toronto, by psychologist Elliott Jaques, applied to the period of life immediately following the major changes of adolescence, usually ranging from the ages of 21 to 29. The term is named by analogy with mid-life crisis.
Characteristics of this crisis are:
_confusion of identity
_insecurity regarding the near future
_insecurity regarding present accomplishments
_re-evaluation of close interpersonal relationships
_disappointment with one's job
_nostalgia for college life
_tendency to hold stronger opinions
_boredom with social interactions
_financially-rooted stress